
Today, I cried as I said goodbye to my girls on their way to school. Some days, Z’s behavior makes me angry and dig my heels in. Some days I remember my calm therapeutic parenting and come out with something very empathetic. Today, it just makes me sad.

When Carrot asked me why I was crying, I told her I just want everyone in our family to feel safe, and it makes me sad that I can’t help everyone feel that way. I didn’t say how damn helpless I feel.


About EratMama

30 something midwestern gal, married to another 30 something midwestern gal, conquering depression, rockin' foster parent.
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3 Responses to Helpless

  1. Melissa says:

    Oh honey. I’m sorry that’s hard. If those are my cookies, don’t worry about it AT ALL! Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.

  2. Elise says:

    I’m so sorry. ((Hugs))

  3. wishinghopingpraying says:

    Big hugs to you.

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